Welcome to this website which has been designed for everyone who is trying to free themselves from racism, whether you are facing racism or try to get away from the conditioning from society that may have lead you to into racist acts – remember you are not what you were but what you are now.

It is often the case that we feel we are alone or that we should resolve things by ourselves, that seeking support is some kind of weakness – it is not – we are social beings and we live together, have fun together and we solve problems together.

Share your stories with all of us – give hope to others – and use your voice.

We no longer talk about racism so do we live in a post-racism society? There have been many advances however it does not mean that racism has disappeared. When we don’t talk about it we end up thinking it is only our problem, and not a societal problem… but you are part of society and each story will build a picture and a lever for change.