This site is operated by a group of volunteers who are committed to a future where racism does not exist, however it does exist in the present and a way out of the oppression of racism is to give voice to you, whatever your race. When you choose to use this web site (the “Site”), you are agreeing to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement between you and the registered owner – who can be contacted through the site.

Disclaimer on liability

This site is provided in good faith and does not make any representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, in relation to all or any part of the Site or the Content or any websites to which the Site is linked, and all warranties and representations are hereby excluded to the extent permitted by law.

The contents of the Site do not constitute advice and should not be relied upon in making, or refraining from making, any decision.

There is no guarantee that the Site will be free of infection by viruses or anything else which may be harmful or destructive.

To the extent permitted by law, the site owner hereby disclaims all liability (howsoever arising) in connection with any loss and/or damage, arising out of or in connection with any use of, or inability to use, all or any part of the Content, the Site and/or any website to which the Site is linked, or any action taken (or refrained from being taken) as a result of using any of these.

In relation to using the site:
(a) Use of this site constitutes your acceptance of these terms and conditions which take effect at the time you first access the site.
(b) If you do not accept these terms and conditions you must not use this site.
(c) The site owner reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time by posting changes online. It is your responsibility to refer to these terms and conditions on accessing this site.
(d) Continued use of this site after such changes to the terms and conditions constitutes acceptance of those posted changes.
(e) The site owner reserves the right to make this site unavailable at any time or to restrict access to parts or all of the site without notice.
(f) You acknowledge that all intellectual property rights, including any trade marks or copyright in the content of this site, are owned by the site owner or its third party suppliers. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as granting any licence or right to use any of the intellectual property of the site except as otherwise provided on this site.
(g) Material may not be copied, reproduced, republished, downloaded, posted, broadcast or transmitted in any way except for your own personal non-commercial use Copying or storing of any Content for other than personal use is expressly prohibited without prior written permission from the site owner.
(h) You agree to use this site only for lawful purposes and in a manner which does not infringe the rights of, or restrict or inhibit the use of or enjoyment of this site by any third party.


These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the British courts.